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Campaigns on Borough Roads

Lewisham Cyclists lobby Lewisham Council to make cycling a significant part of their transport policy. This includes campaigns aimed at improving particular road systems, education, cycle training, cycle parking and promoting cycling as part of their public health policy.

We had a major success in 2017 when after lobbying by Lewisham Cyclists and extensive discussions, Lewisham Council adopted a formal Cycle Strategy on 6th December 2017. The final Strategy document can be found here: Lewisham Cycle Strategy.

Lewisham Councillor Mark Ingleby is the current Lewisham Cycling Champion. He is responsible for taking forward significant new cycling initiatives within the council such as the Cycle Strategy and the A21 Spine Cycleway proposals. We get feedback from Cllr Ingleby at our monthly meetings and also have the opportunity to discuss future proposals.