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May 2011

Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting Wednesday 18th May 2011 6.30pm Dog and Bell, Prince St, Deptford, SE8 Apologies: Roger Stocker (Chair); Katie Collis (Co ordinator)Present: Tom Crispin, (Lewisham and Greenwich Young Cyclists) Jane Davis (Secretary); John Phillips (Treasurer); Ian, Claire.
1 . Minutes of last meeting were not available due to the Secretary being unable to return home before the meeting to pick up the copies of these plus agendas. (cause was an unexpectedly long hospital appointment followed by a flat tyre on return journey afterwards!)
2. Brockley Fayre, Hilly Fields, 18th June 12 noon John has arranged this. We are to meet at 11.30. Jane will bring table, gazebo etc. John will take care of advertising and co-ordination (but sadly no koalas) with the Fayre organisers.
3. Bike Week. Due to apologies being received from both our chair and coordinator this week, therefore only 2 committee members present at the meeting, the meeting recommended this be left until next week’s rides meeting for discussion.
4. John Phillips informed us that Greenwich Cyclists are already organising their December Ceilidh. If people are interested in helping/being involved then they should contact Greenwich Cyclists.
5. Lewisham Cyclists meeting venue. There was a general discussion about the suitability of our current venue, the Dog and Bell, with regard to it’s suitability in terms of both location and lack of formal meeting room style. At the end of the discussion, it was agreed that the non business like nature of the current venue was not really a problem, but that it’s location at the very far north end of the borough might be. It was decided to defer further discussion of this issue to next month’s meeting when there would be more committee members present.
6. AOB. John Phillips raised the issue of encouraging more people to become active within the Lewisham Cyclists group. With the loss over the last few months or so of several active members, it is difficult for us to sustain the level of activity which we had done previously. LewishamCyclists have a greater number of card carrying LCC members than Greenwich for example, but a much smaller number attending meetings. After a general discussion about the issue, the meeting decided to refer this as a matter for a full committee meeting.