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Tim Collingridge

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 19th July

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 19th July Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) monthly meeting. These meetings are fairly informal and it’s a good opportunity to hear about the current local campaigns and influence their direction. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Actions from Minutes of last meeting – 3) Other issues & projects – additional to those… Read More »Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 19th July

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wed 21st June

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 21st June Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) monthly meeting. These meetings are fairly informal and it’s a good opportunity to hear about the current local campaigns and influence their direction. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Actions from Minutes of last meeting – 3) Other issues & projects – additional to those… Read More »Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wed 21st June

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 17th May

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 17th May Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) monthly meeting. These meetings are fairly informal and it’s a good opportunity to hear about the current local campaigns and influence their direction. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Actions from Minutes of last meeting – 3) Other issues & projects – additional to those… Read More »Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 17th May

Agenda for LC Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wed 19th April

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 19th April Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) monthly meeting. These meetings are fairly informal and it’s a good opportunity to hear about the current local campaigns and influence their direction. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Actions from Minutes of last meeting – 3) Other issues & projects – additional to those… Read More »Agenda for LC Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wed 19th April

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Annual Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 15th February

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Annual Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 15th February Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) Annual Meeting. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) LC Coordinator’s Report. 3) LC Treasurer’s Report. 4) Elections to LC Management Committee – Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer. The current committee members are all standing for re-election. Note that seconding and voting can only be carried out by… Read More »Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Annual Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 15th February

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting

6.30pm Wednesday 18th January Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) monthly meeting. These meetings are fairly informal and it’s a good opportunity to hear about the current local campaigns and influence their direction. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Actions from Minutes of last meeting – 3) Other issues & projects – additional to those covered in 2): a. Cllr Ingleby… Read More »Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting

Up The Junction: depressing saga of vested interests not listening

If you’ve cycled through Lewisham Town Centre recently you’ll be all too aware of the new “H” Junction – basically two T junctions linking the A21 and A20 main routes as they converge between Lewisham town centre and Overground and DLR stations. Cyclists are expected to dodge three lanes of traffic moving in different directions which is inherently unsafe, and there are lethal “left hooks” at traffic lights to trap… Read More »Up The Junction: depressing saga of vested interests not listening

Lewisham Gateway H road junction – October 2016 meeting with TfL/Muse/LBL

LC’s Jane and Tim recently met with TfL/Muse/LBL representatives onsite at the new junction as a result of our audit of the new road layout submitted in September to The Lewisham Mayor, local MP Heidi Alexander and Valerie Shawcross (Deputy London Mayor for Transport) amongst others: lewisham-h-review-september-final-draft-with-pics-v2 For a schematic map of the junction please look here: We made it clear at the start of the meeting that we… Read More »Lewisham Gateway H road junction – October 2016 meeting with TfL/Muse/LBL