Healthy Neighbourhoods is a Lewisham Borough response to the London Mayor’s Healthy Streets initiative. The aim is to reduce pollution levels and stimulate active travel (walking and cycling) in residential areas. The borough has been divided into 13 ‘cells’ bounded by major and local distributor roads:

Within these cells ‘modal filters’ (aka bollards and the like) will be installed aiming to reduce unnecessary through motorized traffic, while essential through routes for e.g. buses, will be preserved. Further they are thinking about closing roads outside schools during drop-off and pick up hours. Check out a permanent school street at Bellenden Primary School in Peckham.
The plan is to address two cells per year, starting in 2019, with modal filters being installed on an experimental basis to gauge the impacts on vehicle flows. If monitoring shows the measures are successful the modal filters will subsequently be made permanent. The first area to be addressed will be Lewisham/Lee area with the second area yet to be selected.
Back in June 2018, in advance of the Healthy Neighbourhoods initiative, we made suggestions to LBL for traffic ‘filtering’ measures to be introduced in some of these cells see here