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February 2011 AGM

16th February Lewisham Civic Suite, Catford, SE6        Present: John Phillips, Jane Davis, Katie Collis, Lee Roach, Gerhard Weiss (London Cycling Campaign)Roger Stocker, Roger Williams, Sam Fraser

Minutes taken by: Jane Davis

  1. Chairman’s Report Once again, this year has seen the group organise and lead a large range of rides catering to people with a range of cycling ability. The group’s website has been successfully reorganised. The group has also been actively campaigning on planning developments wherever it can to make sure the needs of cyclists are catered for. The Catford Gyratory, Kender Triangle Redesign and the Deal’s Gateway signalling issue are three of the most high profile.
  2. LIP Katie Collis informed the meeting that a response to the Lewisham LIP should be the first job of the new committee in 2011. One was already in the draft stage. Gerhard Weiss underlined the importance of this.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Full report on separate sheet.
  4. LCC feedback: Gerhard Weiss spoke to the meeting concerning the London wide organisation and how the Lewisham Group fits in with it. Highlighted that Lewisham has a good ratio of LCC members and so should be well placed to push the campaigns of Double Your Voice and No More Lethal Lorries.
  5. Election of new committee The new committee is: Chairman Roger Stocker, Coordinator Katie Collis, Treasurer John Phillips, Secretary Jane Davis. All were elected unaminously.
  6. AOB: Katie Collis asked Lee Roach whether he had had any success in his approach to his children’s school about improved cycle parking at the school. So far, he has not been able to view the school’s travel plan, if it has one. He was advised to go and approach the parent governors as this may have more effect.