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July 2012

Lewisham Cyclists Meeting Minutes

July 18th 2012 18.30

Dog and Bell Public House

Prince St


London SE8

Apologies: Roger Stocker, John Phillips

2.Present:  Chris Mahone, Roy Volume, Ian Welsby, Steve Rumble, Jane Davis, Gareth


3. Minutes of Last Meeting: Presented by Jane Davis. Approved by rest of meeting

4. Matters Arising:

4.1 Brockley Fayre: Lewisham Cyclists ran a successful stall at this event, securing

several new members as well as distributing a large number of maps and giving lots

of advice about cycling in London.

4.2 Loan bikes:  No response from Katie who was due to contact Tom about accessing

these.  Item carried over to next meeting. (Action:Jane Davis)

4.3  New Cross Junctions: Jane has been in contact with New Cross local assembly

in relation to this item. We have agreed to keep them up to date with any action or

correspondence with TfL  and vice versa.  We have had an email from TfL

confirming that they are in the process of putting forward proposals for some

changes to this junction.  The meeting decided that Lewisham Cyclists should

not wait for TfL’s proposals before responding, but should make some suggestions

beforehand.  It was agreed that we should put a request for ideas and evidence

(photographs and videos) about the junction on the elist and Facebook and use this

to inform our own proposals which we can present to TfL . (Jane Davis: post

request on elist and Facebook.  Draw up proposals by end of September.)

5. Lewisham Wish List:   As Katie was not present at the meeting it was impossible to

discuss these as she has final copy and control of this.  Item to be carried over to next


6. Ilderton Rd  The changes to the cycle lanes here were apparently agreed by Southwark

Cyclists. Jane to contact Alex Crawford, their coordinator to find out details. (Action:Jane



7. A.O.B. Steve Rumble brought up difficulties getting from Greenwich through Blackheath

avoiding the busy traffic in the village one way system.  Gareth was able to provide

details of the cycle routes in the area.

Meeting closed at 8.00pm