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Winter Ride Season Beginning!

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Don’t forget to keep checking on our rides calendar,  even through the winter months. Year on year, Lewisham Cyclists keeps riding as many of those 52 weeks as we can.  The only thing that stops is unsafe conditions, like ice, and that doesn’t happen too often in this corner of the country.  You will generally find at least one ride every weekend on our calendar throughout the winter, and often more than one. If we aren’t leading a ride ourselves, there will probably be an accessible ride offered by one of our colleagues from Greenwich, Southwark or even Bromley. Some of our best rides have been in the winter: provided you dress for the weather, the roads can be quieter, the views clearer through leafless trees, and it takes a lot to beat a good ride on a clear, crisp, bright winter’s day followed by a late lunch in an old country pub, warmed by a roaring wood fire.

If there are gaps in our rides calendar when you take a first look, it’s worth checking back later, as we update it at the end of every month after our rides coordination meeting. That meeting is quite a social affair, so if you fancy meeting us, suggesting a ride route, or want to begin leading rides yourself, we would love to meet you. If you are new to ride leading, we can offer support, on the ride itself, supporting and back marking, or help you plan routes. To lead rides with us, you must be a member of LCC first. Joining gives lots of benefits including third party insurance, good discounts at bicycle shops all over London and an interesting and informative regular magazine.

Find out more about joining here