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A Two Counties Ride

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A great Longer Lewisham Ride today!  I’ll admit I was feeling a bit worried about it beforehand. A pollution and pollen spike on Thursday tipped me into a fairly bad asthma attack. It was the day I planned to recce the ride and I was too ill to do that and the attack also left my lung function pretty low. I use a peak flow monitor to keep track of… Read More »A Two Counties Ride

Campaign priorities

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At our most recent open meeting, we spent a while discussing our campaign priorities. Our campaign objectives have been clearly and excellently set out visually on this map–Ve0ZtdCfPYdSEzfiUGglQsPMZqVqdd&ll=51.48950346691411%2C-0.05688684633789354&z=12 They are pretty comprehensive, we believe, although dont include absolutely everything, we acknowledge. There are undoubtedly a few things we dont cover in the map that we would love to add. However, we have to be realistic when setting out what… Read More »Campaign priorities

cyclists lying down in protest blocking junction

Holborn Protest 20th August 2021

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Six people die in Plymouth. Terrible, terrible tragedy and obviously headline news. People begin discussions again about further regulation and control of guns and who can own them and for what purpose. After the Dunblane massacre in 1996 there was intense public debate about gun control laws, petitions for a ban on private ownership. Eventually, there was an official inquiry. New Firearms Acts were passed, outlawing the private ownership of… Read More »Holborn Protest 20th August 2021

Lewisham Cycle Buddies

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Lewisham Cyclists is launching a Cycle Buddies scheme. This will pair new bike riders with more experienced cyclists, to help build their confidence. We’ve been running an informal scheme for a while – now we’re expanding it and making it easier to request a buddy. Many people have started cycling in recent months, to avoid using public transport or getting stuck in traffic. Lewisham Cyclists wants to support anyone who… Read More »Lewisham Cycle Buddies

Answering “The Horrified Cyclist”

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Local cyclist, environmentalist and Labour member Matthew Snowling, (those are the words he uses to he describe himself, by the way) recently wrote a piece for One Lewisham, attacking the LTN’s. I read it. I’m so fed up of unsubstantiated, poorly evidenced attacks on any attempts to reduce car use and finally decided I just couldn’t ignore this one. Especially as it’s from a cyclist and someone who claims to… Read More »Answering “The Horrified Cyclist”

Catford and the South Circular

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Sadly, yet another person has been seriously injured on the stretch of the South Circular Rd that runs through Catford Town Centre. Its only a few months since Lewisham Cyclists rode in remembrance of Lukasz Binkowski, killed last year on the Catford Bridge section and now another rider has suffered what the police have described as life threatening injuries in a collision with a lorry again, just yards away on… Read More »Catford and the South Circular

Lewisham Cyclists Cyclist of the Week 6th July 2020

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Len really enjoys his time with Wheels for Wellbeing. He attended the extremely popular weekly open session that ran regularly at the Ladywell Centre before Covid and can’t wait for it to start running again. Len says, “I began cycling as a small child aged about 5. I had polio and was very ill. Spent time in an iron lung.  Cycling was the perfect exercise to strengthen my weakened legs.   Why… Read More »Lewisham Cyclists Cyclist of the Week 6th July 2020

Cyclist of the Week June 26th 2020

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How long have you been cycling? Off and on for the last ten years – mostly off.  I had a city bike in Hoboken, NJ to get to and from the underground but sadly it was destroyed in Hurricane Sandy.  Years later I am now cycling for the first time in the UK and London – I just bought my current bike a short while ago.  I am guessing it is about 10-12 years… Read More »Cyclist of the Week June 26th 2020