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Another Quirky Afterworker May 2013

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Four of us left the hustle of London Bridge on a dull, grey evening that threatened rain, but never carried out that threat. Pleasantly warm, too. Ideal evening for an extended commute. We hopped over Tower Bridge easily, down to St Katharine’s Dock where a fifth rider was waiting on the other side of the bridge. The bridge was up, to allow a fine old Thames barge through, quite a tricky manoeuvre for what is quite a big craft. It was a rare treat, I have never seen that particular bridge up, or been quite that close to a Thames barge.20130531-071446.jpg20130531-071532.jpg

Bridge down, we picked up our fifth rider and headed down the ornamental canal and down Narrow St and over the bridge into the Isle. We followed the river as far as we could which isn’t far, at this point, as they are still constructing the base of some big tower right by the river.


20130531-071635.jpgBack on the river, we headed for the Greenwich tunnel, Victorian (well, Edwardian, just) wonder and sadly neglected by its current custodians. 20130531-071644.jpgSouth lift was still out, unfortunately, so man and womanfully we hoisted our steeds on to our shoulders and squeezed down the cramped stairwell.

20130531-071700.jpgEven in its dilapidated state, the youngest member of our group, who had never been through the tunnel before, thought it was pretty amazing.tunnel

We headed up the hill in Greenwich Park, took in the view,20130531-071710.jpg

then across Blackheath, over the DLR on a particularly fine and accessible zig zag bridge then through Deptford on a great network of quiet ways and cycle paths, crossing Deptford Creek and linking Greenwich, Lewisham and Southwark. Good work by local councils here. Unfortunately, they don’t really shout loudly enough about it. One of our number, another South Londoner had no idea there was such a safe, pleasant way to avoid the main roads around here,despite the fact he only lives a couple of miles away. Needs much more publicising and effective signing.
Then suddenly, back on the river within sight of Tower Bridge, right next to a friendly looking hostelry. How convenient!

Thanks to Natasha for the photos.