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Golding Hop – Saturday February 5

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Golding Hop 5th February

Twelve of us, including folks at Catford, Bromley and Otford. Slow progress at times which made me a bit nervous about hitting the Golding Hop’s increasingly narrow lunch window of a mere 90 minutes.

No real events or mishaps en route, though two dropped out before lunch and some were bemused by a  route that took
us through Leigh twice – hey it’s a scenic bike ride folks, not a dash from A to B. A pity to see that the Bat and Ball pub there has closed – one of the best we’ve been to for the usual Lewisham leisurely lunch and natter.

The food at the Golding Hop was as good and cycle friendly as ever (go elsewhere if you prefer vertical food described using a series of verbs) and after two pints of extra strong cider it was time to hit the road, though Bill did comment that it was the sort of place you could happily while away an entire afternoon in. Very true though I fear the pedal back might be a bit daunting – one can only take so much 7.3 per cent scrumpy. Might be nice to try though. Tempted. Seriously tempted.

More left after lunch for a variety of reasons – evening food plans, assignations, sleeping off of cider etc. So after a quick refill of water bottles at the nearby spring (it’s never killed anyone yet) off to ride along the Pilgrims Way beneath the North Downs, always a delight, especially if you know you aren’t heading up them. After some determined sprinting, with near perfect timing we hit the train back to town about 3.30 and were back in the warm embrace of Catford by just after 4, still daylight.

No punctures, no mechanicals, no hissy fits or mutinies, just a rather nice day’s ride in good company, the usual mix of bikes, regulars, occasional visitors and new folks who I hope will return. Thanks to all for coming; special thanks to Andrew for collecting extra folk at Bromley and to Francesca for being sporting enough to bail out when it seemed she might imperil our arrival at the Golding Hop. I gather she had quite an adventure after leaving us and had a good day. Be good to see you again, maybe on one of our gentler rides, or after a bit of training.

Oh, the feared gales never arrived of course. A mere gentle refreshing breeze.
