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Cyclist of the Week

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So many people cycling in Lewisham. The more of you we meet, the more it’s apparent just how versatile a way to get around a cycle can be. We are going to feature a ”Cyclist of the Week” to illustrate what a diverse cycling borough we live in!

Week 1: Rosemin

I grew up in Uganda, about 11 cousins would share a bike with as many of us getting on it as we could! When I was in primary school my dad took me to school on his rack at the back sitting on a cushion!! 

In UK we grew up in Worcester as refugees. Age 11 I got into a grammar school on the outskirts of the city but got no bus pass so my older sister gave me her bike to cycle to school.

 I cycle for necessity, because I believe in sustainability – I have no car. I go everywhere, shop and commute on my bike.

 Cycling is my counselling, I do all my thinking when riding, it helps me stay fit  and it gives me freedom especially in these Covid days.  I don’t need to use public transport and can help make space for those who need it.

The council should have more lending bikes to help those who want  to have a go at cycling without having to buy a new bike. I wish there were more traffic free paths for children to use to cycle on. The ones we have end abruptly and are few and far apart.

If you’re worried about  starting cycling, you could  think about wearing a helmet but definitely have a lesson as it helps gain confidence.