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Another interesting and lively meeting!

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Thanks to everyone who came along to our monthly meeting last night. Good to see both new faces and familiar ones. One of our decisions was to ask for assistance from all who cycle through Lewisham through its various junctions. We would like visual evidence. photos, or videos, whatever people are able to provide to help us show Lewisham Council and/or TfL just which areas are difficult to ride/walk through and then to develop ideas for improvements. So, if you can, next time you are passing through your particular nasty beast of a junction, take a camera and send us the shots, with a few brief notes on why it’s a problem. You can post them up on the elist or onto our Facebook group page (Lewisham Cyclists)  or send them to me personally, if you prefer, to
A few of us will be at the Deal’s Gateway Junction this evening videoing how this junction works (or not) for cyclists, to show TfL the junction is still not as safe as it should or could be. So that will be one junction done. Watch this space for the results!