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Lewisham Council Local Implementation Plan

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Lewisham Council LIP (Local Implementation Plan) is up for consultation. This is basically the council’s strategy for transport planning across the borough. LIP funding is the process through which TfL provides financial support to boroughs for schemes to improve their transport networks. So it’s a massively important document which will have a massive effect on all of us. The consultation ends on Saturday.  It’s not perfect but it’s so much better than in the past. We really need to make sure the good bits stay in! Lewisham Cyclists have prepared a response which you can see on our website. By all means use this to send your own response in. This is the beginning of real change away from motor dominated transport planning at last. We need to make sure it doesn’t get blocked by the private motor transport lobbyists before it gets started. 

The LIP is here.–pdf.pdf

 It’s a huge document, impossible for most lay folk to analyse. But by all means do, if you wish. Some of our members have read it all and we’ve prepared this response