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Lewisham Cyclists 2013 AGM

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Wednesday 19th June 2013 at the Dog and Bell Public House, Prince St Deptford 6.30pm to 8.30pm

The AGM is our annual meeting where we review the year and elect the officers for the management committee of Lewisham Cyclists for the following year, as well as discuss usual agenda items.

I have really enjoyed the last year as Secretary and would urge anybody who loves cycling to get involved. I have made some great friends, from all walks of life  and really feel a part of my local community.  I have had a lot of fun as well!  Even the more formal activities of a local community group have been interesting and given me an insight into how our city functions, and just how even ordinary people like us can make a difference.

Come along to the AGM and see if there is a post to which you could apply your particular skills.  The main posts that we have to appoint, according to our constitution, are Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.  In addition, we can appoint as many people as we need or are available to carry out the other important functions of the group, such as Council and TfL liaison, Website management, Publicity, Rides Coordinator, Campaigns Manager.  All you need is an LCC member to nominate, and second you.  And, of course, you need to be an LCC member too.

If any of the above  interests you and you feel you would love to get involved but are unsure of exactly how to proceed, by all means contact us on