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Love Your Bike Part 2!

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I have been checking out the new Bike Week 2012 website (don’t worry, it’s not till June!) and found this very useful page where Helen Pidd summarises in 10 handy points exactly how you can love your bike and make it work for you a whole lot better and longer.

I would second every single point on this list.  It’s exactly what I, and most of the experienced cyclists I know, do.  And as the author of the list says- most simple bike repairs can be found really well illustrated on the internet.  The Park Tools website has a really good repair section.  They also do a really good repair manual.  I also own and like Melanie Allwood’s repair manual                 Or if you prefer to see someone demonstrate a procedure, there are plenty of videos online, showing everything from a simple brake adjustment to  more complex repairs.          Like this one, showing how to adjust a V brake.  I can forgive him the slightly annoying American pronounciation of lever, because he demonstrates it so clearly and well.

So, go on- get down and dirty with your bike.  You won’t regret it (but remember the last  point on the list: latex gloves, I never leave without a couple of pairs stashed somewhere in my kit- and avoid getting quite so down and dirty as a result).