Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Wednesday 2nd October Monthly Meeting
Author: Alex Raha. Pictures: Alex Raha, Tim Collingridge, Work on Cycleway 4 (C4) between Deptford, Surrey Quays and Rotherhithe has finally been completed since our last update, in spite of some concerns surrounding the financial uncertainty with Transport for London (TfL). If you’ve missed our earlier blogs on C4 then you can find them here. We thought it would be good to provide a round up as we move forward.… Read More »Cycleway 4 is finally complete
The original proposal to create a walking and cycling route from the Waterlink Way just south of Catford to Forest Hill via Elm Lane goes back to 2014. The most direct route between Catford and Forest Hill is the South Circular road which is heavily trafficked at most times of the day and very inhospitable for walking and cycling. This proposed alternative route uses quiet back roads and off-road cut-throughs… Read More »Catford to Forest Hill (C2FH) walking and cycling route update March 2024