Each month, usually on a weekend, we aim to run one longer countryside ride through the home counties.
These rides are usually between 35-60 miles although we do run a small number of longer rides each year. These rides always include (at least) one pub stop and rides to the seaside usually end with fish and chips on the beach. Some of these rides make use of public transport and this will always be indicated in the ride description.
Our countryside rides are suited to more experienced riders with a good general level of fitness. If you’re new to longer rides, our Flat Kent ride is a good ride to start with. We try to run these several times a year.
To find details of our next Countryside Ride, please look at our calendar or LCC Events (search for ‘Lewisham’).
For an idea of what these rides are like, take a look at one of our ride reports:
- Surrey Hills Ride (our toughest annual ride)
- Late Summer Ride to the Shipwright’s Arms
- A Kent Out and Backer
- A Flat Kent ride
If you need to borrow a bike for you and/or your children we can sometimes arrange this. Please email us well in advance and we will do our best to help.