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Transforming City Streets with a Paintbrush

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transportation201005times-square-street-close-upWhenever you meet with TfL’s highly trained and intelligent road engineers to discuss cycling infrastructure, they will often baffle you with their references to traffic modelling systems that show them just how impossible it is to take the kind of road space from cars for other road users that we ask for.  They will quote surveys and projections of future traffic flow needs at you that can leave a simple cycling campaigner beginning to believe his or her ideas are just too low tech and unsophisticated for a complex 21st century city.

Then you hear this woman talk about what she and her colleagues have done in New York  City, and you begin to realise that, perhaps it’s just that TfL isn’t quite courageous enough to take those brave decisions and just give it a go.  TfL, watch, listen and weep.

new york streets