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Two Counties Ride

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The forecast was pretty bad.  Gale force winds with gusts up to 50mph, storm Desmond moving though during the day.  So, I wasn’t surprised to find a much reduced group of merely six riders at Ladywell.  We left promptly at 9am.  I didn’t want to hang around as the weather, already very blustery, was scheduled to get worse in the afternoon.   Fiona caught us as we entered Ladywell Fields… Read More »Two Counties Ride

Penshurst and Chiddingstone Ride

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Chiddingstone and Penshurst Ride This was a train assisted ride to maximise the amount of daylight riding in countryside a bit further out in Kent, now winter draws on.  The forecast was bad and indeed it was raining as I left.  I’d overslept a bit so didn’t have time to ride to the Otford meet point as I usually do, but met Fiona and Steve on the train. At Otford,… Read More »Penshurst and Chiddingstone Ride

Agenda for LC Annual Meeting Wed 18th Nov 6.30pm

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Annual Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 18th November Room 2, Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) Annual Meeting. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Update from Nick Harvey (Cycling Programme Manager for London Borough of Lewisham (LBL)) on the Quietway 1 cycle route (Greenwich to Waterloo) and other planned Quietway developments within LBL. 3) LC Coordinator’s Report. 4) LC Treasurer’s… Read More »Agenda for LC Annual Meeting Wed 18th Nov 6.30pm

Clerkenwell and City Sunday Ride

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A very chilly autumn morning in thick fog saw only eight of us at Ladywell, joined by three more at Greenwich foot tunnel for the City ride this morning.     So 11 of us headed down into a strangely empty foot tunnel.  So empty, that Maxine decided quite justifiably, that walking through was a bit mad and rode to the lift at the other end.  When I’m leading a… Read More »Clerkenwell and City Sunday Ride

Agenda for LC Monthly Meeting Wed 21st Oct 6.30pm

Agenda for Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 21st October Lewisham Civic Centre, Catford Road, SE6 4RU All are welcome at the Lewisham Cyclists (LC) monthly meeting held on the third Wednesday of each month. These meetings are fairly informal and it’s a good opportunity to hear about the current local campaigns and influence their direction. 1) Apologies and Welcome. 2) Minutes of last meeting and matters arising. 3) Current… Read More »Agenda for LC Monthly Meeting Wed 21st Oct 6.30pm

Lewisham Gateway: A New Junction Fit For the 21st Century?

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“It is unbelievable that in 2015 junctions are being redesigned from scratch that don’t properly take account of the needs of cyclists and fail to provide a safe, segregated route. Cyclists shouldn’t be expected to dice with death every time they go through Lewisham Town Centre and the Lewisham Gateway junction needs an urgent rethink.” This is what Darren Johnson, Elected member of the GLA and chair of the GLA… Read More »Lewisham Gateway: A New Junction Fit For the 21st Century?

Ride to an Essex wilderness

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A fortnight had passed since our last ride out of London.  In between our lovely late summer trip to the Shipwright’s Arms on Faversham Creek, and this weekend, we had stayed in London for a short, easy ride, seeking out the blue plaque reminders of famous folk who had lived in lewisham in past times.  Lewisham itself seems to have far fewer of these than neighbouring boroughs so we had… Read More »Ride to an Essex wilderness

Late Summer Ride to the Shipwright’s Arms

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For a few years now, I have been riding down to the Shipwrights Arms at Hollowshore on Faversham Creek, in late summer or early autumn. It was Barry Mason who first introduced me to this place, as it quietly sits in one of his favourite areas. In fact, until I met Barry and began riding behind him around those little corners of the South East that he knew so well,… Read More »Late Summer Ride to the Shipwright’s Arms

Route Ideas

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Lots of people ask us about the ride routes we use.  We thought it might be a good idea to start keeping  a page with links to some of them.   So here’s some to start with.  A disclaimer though…I plot these from memory using the ridewithgps online service.  it’s free, but you do have to sign up for it and I do not take any responsibility for slight deviations and… Read More »Route Ideas