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Saturday 5th January; South East London Parks Tour

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15 at Cutty Sark Gardens on a dull, grey morning, rode off up through Greenwich Park and out on to Blackheath to begin our tour of some of South East London’s beautiful parks. From Blackheath we headed down through quiet roads and crossed the lovely little bridge over the DLR on to the Waterlink Way, one of the best bits of cycling infrastructure in Lewisham. Shame the council can’t sort… Read More »Saturday 5th January; South East London Parks Tour

Lewisham’s CSH link to central London abandoned

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We feel this is a real cop out from TfL, an admission that they don’t have the vision or will to make Lewisham’s junctions as safe as they should be. Here, Lewisham Cyclists’ chair spoke to the local press about it.

North Kent Ride to Shipwrights Arms, Faversham November 20th

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Thanks to everyone who came along Alison, Katie, Alan, Suley and Gary met with me outside Halfords and we met up with Jurek at Bromley in plenty of time for the train- me overplanning as usual. And on the train Joan and TJ and then in Bearsted car park itself Ian, Peter Jan and Alan, a local guy who asked if he could come along too. No problem, always grateful… Read More »North Kent Ride to Shipwrights Arms, Faversham November 20th

Our Sunday Ride: The City at its best

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We had a great ride yesterday.  Thanks to everyone who came along and to Bill and Alan, especially, for their extensive knowledge which supplemented the few snippets of information I had about the things we saw and rode past. I will do a proper ride report, but by popular request here is the route- roughly, anyway.  Not everything we saw is on it but it’s a great area to explore… Read More »Our Sunday Ride: The City at its best

Lewisham Monthly Meeting Wednesday 19th September 2012 6.30pm

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Hello All, Once again it’s time for our monthly meeting.  As usual, it will be in the Dog and Bell Public House on Prince St in Deptford, starting at 6.30pm, tomorrow, Wednesday 19th September.  We aim to finish by 8.30 at the very latest and often finish a bit earlier.  All are welcome.  We are hoping to meet with representatives of TfL at some point  to discuss some of the… Read More »Lewisham Monthly Meeting Wednesday 19th September 2012 6.30pm

Is this a safe Junction- TfL's response

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Tfl have responded to Lewisham cyclist’s video and communication about this junction.  Here is their reply Dear  Ms Davis Re.: Blackheath Road (A2), at the junction with Deals Gateway   Thank you for sending through the videos of cyclists using the Blackheath Road (A2), at the junction with Deals Gateway. I note the concerns raised regarding cyclists exiting from Deals Gateway, particularly travelling straight ahead into Greenwich High Road. This has arisen… Read More »Is this a safe Junction- TfL's response

Is this a safe junction?

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Well TfL think so.  When they redesigned this junction with the A2 a couple of years or so ago, it was even worse.  They removed the dedicated green light for Deal’s Gateway, which now had to share the green phase with traffic emerging from Greenwich High Rd, much of which turns right. If you were trying to cross from Deal’s gateway into Greenwich High Rd, the ASL and stop line… Read More »Is this a safe junction?

Another interesting and lively meeting!

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Thanks to everyone who came along to our monthly meeting last night. Good to see both new faces and familiar ones. One of our decisions was to ask for assistance from all who cycle through Lewisham through its various junctions. We would like visual evidence. photos, or videos, whatever people are able to provide to help us show Lewisham Council and/or TfL just which areas are difficult to ride/walk through and then to develop ideas for improvements. So, if you can, next time you are passing through your particular nasty beast of a junction, take a camera and send us the shots, with a few brief notes on why it’s a problem. You can post them up on the elist or onto our Facebook group page (Lewisham Cyclists)  Read More »Another interesting and lively meeting!

July Meeting Tomorrow Night July 18th 2012, Dog and Bell, Deptford

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Do come along, if you can.   Our meeting is open to all interested in cycling in Lewisham, and we welcome contributions to A.O.B as well as having the agenda below to discuss Lewisham Cyclists Meeting Agenda Wednesday 18th July 2012 Dog and Bell, Prince St, Deptford, SE8 1. Welcome, introductions and apologies 2. Minutes of the last meeting on June 20th 2012 read and agreed 3. New Cross Junctions.  4.… Read More »July Meeting Tomorrow Night July 18th 2012, Dog and Bell, Deptford