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Fit, flighty and Fifty

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Of course cycling is for everyone, but as this article shows we all need some guidance from time to time, and CTUK are on hand for this:

Happy World Book Day!

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This is Carlton Reid’s book on Cycling to Work – looks very inspiring, a bit advertisement heavy but what can one do?

Mayor of London's Cycling Q & A Session February

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Lewisham Cyclists AGM – Wednesday 16th February

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Dear All Just a reminder that Lewisham Cyclists AGM is happening next Wednesday at Lewisham Town Hall, (Room 3), Catford from 6.30 p.m. We will adjourn to the pub afterwards, probably The Jolly Farmers . Last year they had a Quiz on and lots of free food, which was very welcome! Hope to see you there!

Cyclist down – Thurston Road

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Was pulling into Thurston Road in Lewisham and spotted a cyclist lying down on the pavement with another cyclist to hand. Turns out he had been hit by a silver Merc so I asked him if he had the registration details to which he started reciting it out loud. I got out pen and paper, took down the details as well as letting him know about ‘Roadsafe’. The other cyclist… Read More »Cyclist down – Thurston Road

Web Cams

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Cycling seems to have been on the TV a lot this week. The main topic of conversation amongst the various forums (Cycle Chat, yacf etc) and blogs has been about this BBC article (thanks to Bike Radar for the heads up). Various pieces of replay from cyclists webcams were shown throughout the day on the News, some of which would have shocked many, but not I suspect commuter cyclists.… Read More »Web Cams

Lewisham Cyclists Monthly Meeting – Wednesday 15th December 6.30 p.m.

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Please join us for our monthly get-together, with added extra yule-tide goodness, at the Dog & Bell in Deptford. The monthly meeting is generally the chance to talk about Lewisham-based projects, planning proposals and how this affects us, cycling facilities within the borough and group rides and events. Looking forward to seeing you there! Katie Collis

Peaks of Lewisham 2010

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Yesterday was a little more ambitious, with one of Lewisham Cyclists’ regular ride leaders taking us at speed around the borough’s peaks. It wasn’t a long outing in terms of ground distance covered, but with around 600 metres of short, sharp ascent, the ride was in places tough on the legs. I’m used to cycling around the rural hills of the North Downs of Kent on my fixed-wheel bike, and… Read More »Peaks of Lewisham 2010

Chidingley – Summer 2009

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Ride Report written by Paul Taylor   The Sheer Unadulterated **ing Hell of Chiddingly and back Last time I did this ride (July 2008) I got what can only be described as sustained grief once the lunchtime beer had worn off and ended up feeling like some form of war criminal for taking folk on a home counties bike ride. Ah the trials of ride leadership 🙂 Hence its somewhat… Read More »Chidingley – Summer 2009