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Scawen Road School Street

Lewisham School Streets

Author & Photos: Mike Tisdell. Edited by Iliana Koutsou and Alex Raha School Streets are temporary closures for motor traffic at the start and end of the school day.  An effective school street creates a welcoming and safe environment for children travelling to and from school on foot, scooter or bicycle, free from road danger. At Lewisham Cyclists we think it’s positive to see such a large number of school… Read More »Lewisham School Streets

Cycleway 4 – work in progress

Lewisham Cyclists’ members have been asking what’s happening to the Lewisham section of Cycleway 4 (C4) now that the Rotherhithe to Tower Bridge route is open. The short answer is it’s coming, but Covid has disrupted the original schedule. Lewisham Cyclists are pressing TfL for updated construction dates. Read the full blog below to find out more…. Cycleway 4 (C4) has been a long time coming in South East London.… Read More »Cycleway 4 – work in progress

Lewisham Cyclists February Monthly eMeeting connection details

Wednesday February 17th 6.30pm to 8pm Join by phone‪:(GB) +44 20 3910 5408‬ PIN: ‪469 511 620‬# For Google Meet: On your computer you will need to use a modern browser i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge (not Internet Explorer). For simplicity this is the recommended connection option.On your mobile device (iPad, iPhone or Android tablet or Android phone) you should install the ‘Google Meet’ app and log in… Read More »Lewisham Cyclists February Monthly eMeeting connection details

Catford Stations area cycling improvements – your opportunity to influence these exciting plans

As part of the broader Catford Framework Lewisham Council are proposing extensive public realm improvements to the area around the Catford stations. Specific cycling-related elements in these plans include the widening of the Waterlink Way underpass under Catford Bridge, more cycle parking and lift access to Catford station. See the links below for full details and to comment to the Development Team on these plans. There are also very exciting… Read More »Catford Stations area cycling improvements – your opportunity to influence these exciting plans

Lewisham Cyclists January Monthly eMeeting connection details

Wednesday January 20th 6.30pm to 8pm Join by phone(GB) +44 20 3910 5408 (PIN: 469511620) For Google Meet: On your computer you will need to use a modern browser i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge (not Internet Explorer). For simplicity this is the recommended connection option.On your mobile device (iPad, iPhone or Android tablet or Android phone) you should install the ‘Google Meet’ app and log in with a… Read More »Lewisham Cyclists January Monthly eMeeting connection details

Campaigning objectives for 2021

We’ve recently compiled a map showing cycling infrastructure improvements in Lewisham that we will be campaigning for in 2021. We want more: Protected cycle lanes on main roads (purple lines) Cycle routes on residential roads and dedicated paths (orange lines) Two-way cycling on one-way streets (green lines) Protected walking and cycling road crossings (children crossing icons) Modal filters (diamond icons). Filters specifically related to cycle routes only shown. We fully… Read More »Campaigning objectives for 2021